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Avatare - Druckversion

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Avatare - SMF - 13.11.2010

Als ich mich eben auf der ICQ-Seite eingeloggt habe, ist mir aufgefallen, daß dort mein Avatar nicht mehr voranden vor. Auf der Seite wurde immer mein Avatar angezeigt, den ich bei Pidgin verwendet habe, ohne ihn extra auf der ICQ-Seite hochgeladen zu haben.

Bei Pidgin ist der Avatar immer noch angewählt. Kontakte sehen aber meinen Avatar nicht mehr. Ich hab den Avatar dann in meinem Profil auf der ICQ-Seite hochgeladen.

Nun sehen meine Kontakte den Avatar wieder.

Wo ich dabei war, hab ich mal rumgefragt ob wer meinen Avatar bei MSN sieht - negativ!

Avatar direkt bei Hotmail hochgeladen und es ging.

Ist das normal, daß niemand den Avatar sieht den man bei Pidgin auswählt und man den über die jeweilige Protokoll-Seite hochladen muß?

Das einzige Protokoll wo es diesbzgl. keine Probleme gibt/gab ist bei mir Jabber.

So, ich wünsche ein schönes Wochenende!

RE: Avatare - blubby - 14.11.2010

schau dir mal die entsprechende Wikiseite dazu an: hier
Es kann gut sein, dass dein Buddyicon ein Format hat, mit dem das XMPP-Protokoll zwar klarkommt, die anderen aber nicht.

RE: Avatare - SMF - 14.11.2010

Bzgl. Format/Größe ist alles im grünen Bereich.

Den Avatar den ich gestern nochmal auf der ICQ-Seite hochgeladen habe, der war eben schon wieder von der Seite verschwunden. Nochmal neu hochgeladen, mal sehen, wie lange er bleibt.

Komisch, komisch...

Edit: Und er ist wieder weg. Na ja...

RE: Avatare - SMF - 15.11.2010

Wie ich nun festgestellt habe, verschwindet der Avatar von der Seite und aus dem Blickfeld meiner Buddys, sobald ich mich über Pidgin aus- & dann neu eingelogge.

Der Avatar verschwindet nicht, wenn ich mich über ICQ selbst oder ICQ2Go ein-/auslogge.

Also muß das wohl irgendwie, wie auch immer, was mit Pidgin zu tun haben.

P.S.: Wie gesagt, das Problem tritt erst seit ein paar Tagen auf.

RE: Avatare - blubby - 15.11.2010

Dann solltest du wohl mal einen Debug-Log vom Ausloggen und vom Einloggen besorgen, nachdem du das Bild geändert hast. Und bitte deaktivier vorher alle anderen Konten, sonst findet man in dem Log nix mehr :-)
Wenn niemand von uns darin was Sinnvolles findet, musst du wohl ein Ticket bei den Entwicklern aufmachen
gruß blubby

RE: Avatare - SMF - 15.11.2010

Hab mich vorhin vertan: Nach dem Ausloggen bleibt das Bild, erst beim Login verschwindet es.

Hier im Anhang mal der Log. Keine Ahnung was davon wichtig ist, deswegen hab ich das mal ungekürzt gelassen.

ICQ-Nummern hab ich mal weg-ge-x-t.

Vielen Dank schonmal für die Bemühungen!

Pidgin Debug Log : 15.11.2010 11:57:25
(11:54:18) util: Writing file prefs.xml to directory C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple
(11:54:18) util: Writing file C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple\prefs.xml
(11:54:29) account: Connecting to account Meine-ICQ-Nummer.
(11:54:29) connection: Connecting. gc = 066B56B8
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module misc (family 0xffff, version = 0x0000, tool 0x0000, tool version 0x0000)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module oservice (family 0x0001, version = 0x0003, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module locate (family 0x0002, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module buddy (family 0x0003, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module messaging (family 0x0004, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module admin (family 0x0007, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module popup (family 0x0008, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0104, tool version 0x0001)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module bos (family 0x0009, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module userlookup (family 0x000a, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module stats (family 0x000b, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0104, tool version 0x0001)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module chatnav (family 0x000d, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module chat (family 0x000e, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module bart (family 0x0010, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module feedbag (family 0x0013, version = 0x0004, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module icq (family 0x0015, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x047c)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module auth (family 0x0017, version = 0x0000, tool 0x0000, tool version 0x0000)
(11:54:29) oscar: registered module alert (family 0x0018, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629)
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for ffff/0003
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for ffff/0006
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0007/0003
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0007/0005
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0007/0007
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0018/0001
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0018/0007
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0017/0003
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0017/0007
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0017/000a
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0010/0005
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0009/0001
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0009/0003
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0003/0001
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0003/0003
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0003/000b
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0003/000c
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 000e/0001
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 000e/0003
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 000e/0004
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 000e/0002
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 000e/0006
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 000d/0001
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 000d/0009
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0013/0001
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0013/0003
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0013/0006
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0013/000e
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0013/0008
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0013/0009
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0013/0015
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0013/0019
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0013/001b
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0013/001c
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0004/0007
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0004/000a
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0004/000b
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0004/0014
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0002/0003
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0001/0001
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0001/000f
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0001/001f
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0001/0005
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0001/0013
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 0008/0002
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 000a/0001
(11:54:29) oscar: Adding handler for 000a/0003
(11:54:29) oscar: oscar_login: gc = 066B56B8
(11:54:29) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(11:54:29) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(11:54:29) proxy: Attempting connection to
(11:54:29) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(11:54:29) proxy: Connection in progress
(11:54:29) proxy: Connecting to
(11:54:29) proxy: Connected to
(11:54:29) nss:,OU=messaging operations,O=Aol Inc,L=Dulles,ST=Virginia,C=US issuer=CN=AOL Member CA,O=America Online Inc.,L=Dulles,ST=Virginia,C=US
(11:54:29) nss: partial certificate chain
(11:54:29) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Starting verify for
(11:54:29) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Checking for cached cert...
(11:54:29) certificate/x509/tls_cached: ...Found cached cert
(11:54:29) nss/x509: Loading certificate from C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple\certificates\x509\tls_peers\
(11:54:29) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Peer cert matched cached
(11:54:29) nss/x509: Exporting certificate to C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple\certificates\x509\tls_peers\
(11:54:29) util: Writing file C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple\certificates\x509\tls_peers\
(11:54:29) certificate: Successfully verified certificate for
(11:54:29) oscar: connected to FLAP server of type 0x0017
(11:54:29) oscar: Username sent, waiting for response
(11:54:30) oscar: inside auth_resp (Username: Meine-ICQ-Nummer)
(11:54:30) oscar: Reg status: 0
Email: null
(11:54:30) oscar: Closing auth connection...
(11:54:30) oscar: Scheduling destruction of FLAP connection 04BCCB38 of type 0x0017
(11:54:30) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(11:54:30) oscar: Destroying FLAP connection 04BCCB38
(11:54:30) oscar: Destroying oscar connection (04BCCB38) of type 0x0017.  Disconnect reason is 0
(11:54:30) oscar: Disconnected.  Code is 0x0000 and msg is
(11:54:30) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(11:54:30) proxy: Attempting connection to
(11:54:30) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(11:54:30) proxy: Connection in progress
(11:54:30) proxy: Connecting to
(11:54:30) proxy: Connected to
(11:54:30) nss:,,OU=People Networks Operations,O=AOL LLC,L=Dulles,ST=Virginia,C=US issuer=CN=AOL Member CA,O=America Online Inc.,L=Dulles,ST=Virginia,C=US
(11:54:30) nss: subject=CN=AOL Member CA,O=America Online Inc.,L=Dulles,ST=Virginia,C=US issuer=CN=America Online Root Certification Authority 1,O=America Online Inc.,C=US
(11:54:30) nss: subject=CN=America Online Root Certification Authority 1,O=America Online Inc.,C=US issuer=CN=America Online Root Certification Authority 1,O=America Online Inc.,C=US
(11:54:30) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Starting verify for
(11:54:30) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Checking for cached cert...
(11:54:30) certificate/x509/tls_cached: ...Found cached cert
(11:54:30) nss/x509: Loading certificate from C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple\certificates\x509\tls_peers\
(11:54:30) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Peer cert matched cached
(11:54:30) nss/x509: Exporting certificate to C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple\certificates\x509\tls_peers\
(11:54:30) util: Writing file C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple\certificates\x509\tls_peers\
(11:54:30) certificate: Successfully verified certificate for
(11:54:30) oscar: connected to FLAP server of type 0x0002
(11:54:30) oscar: MOTD: Unknown (5)
(11:54:30) oscar: FLAP connection of type 0x0002 is now fully connected
(11:54:30) oscar: ssi: requesting rights and list
(11:54:31) oscar: locate rights: max sig len = 4096
(11:54:31) oscar: buddy list rights: Max buddies = 1000 / Max watchers = 3000
(11:54:31) oscar: BOS rights: Max permit = 1000 / Max deny = 1000
(11:54:31) oscar: buddy list loaded
(11:54:31) oscar: ssi rights: max type 0x0000=3000, max type 0x0001=100, max type 0x0002=1000, max type 0x0003=1000, max type 0x0004=1, max type 0x0005=1, max type 0x0006=50, max type 0x0007=0, max type 0x0008=0, max type 0x0009=3, max type 0x000a=0, max type 0x000b=0, max type 0x000c=0, max type 0x000d=128, max type 0x000e=1000, max type 0x000f=20, max type 0x0010=200, max type 0x0011=1, max type 0x0012=0, max type 0x0013=1, max type 0x0014=15, max type 0x0015=1, max type 0x0016=40, max type 0x0017=0, max type 0x0018=0, max type 0x0019=200, max type 0x001a=1, max type 0x001b=20, max type 0x001c=200, max type 0x001d=1, max type 0x001e=8, max type 0x001f=20, max type 0x0020=1, max type 0x0021=0, max type 0x0022=0, max type 0x0023=0, max type 0x0024=50, max type 0x0025=0, max type 0x0026=5, max type 0x0027=500, max type 0x0028=1, max type 0x0029=8, max type 0x002a=1000, max type 0x002b=1,
(11:54:31) oscar: ssi: syncing local list and server list
(11:54:31) oscar: ssi: activating server-stored buddy list
(11:54:31) connection: Activating keepalive.
(11:54:31) oscar: Connecting to FLAP server of type 0x0018
(11:54:31) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(11:54:31) oscar: Connecting to FLAP server of type 0x000d
(11:54:31) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(11:54:31) oscar: icq response: 11 bytes, Meine-ICQ-Nummer, 0x07da, 0x0015
(11:54:31) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(11:54:31) proxy: Attempting connection to
(11:54:31) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(11:54:31) proxy: Connection in progress
(11:54:31) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(11:54:31) proxy: Attempting connection to
(11:54:31) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(11:54:31) proxy: Connection in progress
(11:54:31) proxy: Connecting to
(11:54:31) proxy: Connected to
(11:54:31) proxy: Connecting to
(11:54:31) proxy: Connected to
(11:54:31) nss:,,OU=People Networks Operations,O=AOL LLC,L=Dulles,ST=Virginia,C=US issuer=CN=AOL Member CA,O=America Online Inc.,L=Dulles,ST=Virginia,C=US
(11:54:31) nss: subject=CN=AOL Member CA,O=America Online Inc.,L=Dulles,ST=Virginia,C=US issuer=CN=America Online Root Certification Authority 1,O=America Online Inc.,C=US
(11:54:31) nss: subject=CN=America Online Root Certification Authority 1,O=America Online Inc.,C=US issuer=CN=America Online Root Certification Authority 1,O=America Online Inc.,C=US
(11:54:31) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Starting verify for
(11:54:31) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Checking for cached cert...
(11:54:31) certificate/x509/tls_cached: ...Found cached cert
(11:54:31) nss/x509: Loading certificate from C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple\certificates\x509\tls_peers\
(11:54:31) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Peer cert matched cached
(11:54:31) nss/x509: Exporting certificate to C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple\certificates\x509\tls_peers\
(11:54:31) util: Writing file C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple\certificates\x509\tls_peers\
(11:54:31) certificate: Successfully verified certificate for
(11:54:31) oscar: connected to FLAP server of type 0x000d
(11:54:31) oscar: ssi: status is 0x0000 for a 0x0009 action with name 1
(11:54:31) nss: Handshake failed  (-5961)
(11:54:31) oscar: unable to connect to FLAP server of type 0x0018
(11:54:31) oscar: Scheduling destruction of FLAP connection 04A79BE0 of type 0x0018
(11:54:31) oscar: Destroying FLAP connection 04A79BE0
(11:54:31) oscar: Destroying oscar connection (04A79BE0) of type 0x0018.  Disconnect reason is 6
(11:54:31) oscar: Disconnected.  Code is 0x0000 and msg is SSL-Verhandlung gescheitert
(11:54:31) blist: Updating buddy status for XXXXXXXXX (ICQ)
(11:54:31) oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
(11:54:31) oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
(11:54:31) oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
(11:54:31) oscar: Unknown icqmood: Å÷=Çú’€{Ö^_«ëD
(11:54:31) oscar: Empty encoding, assuming UTF-8
(11:54:31) oscar: Activating status 'available' for buddy XXXXXXXXX, message = '', itmsurl = '(null)'
(11:54:31) blist: Updating buddy status for XXXXXXXXX (ICQ)
(11:54:31) oscar: Activating status 'available' for buddy XXXXXXXXX, message = '(null)', itmsurl = '(null)'
(11:54:31) blist: Updating buddy status for XXXXXXXXX (ICQ)
(11:54:31) oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
(11:54:31) oscar: unknown capability: {c8953a9f-21f1-4faa-b0b2-6de663abf5b7}
(11:54:31) oscar: unknown short capability: {e001}
(11:54:31) oscar: unknown short capability: {e002}
(11:54:31) oscar: Empty encoding, assuming UTF-8
(11:54:31) oscar: Activating status 'occupied' for buddy XXXXXXXXX, message = 'Masterarbeit'
(11:54:31) blist: Updating buddy status for XXXXXXXXX (ICQ)
(11:54:31) oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-4151-4950-203230303561}
(11:54:31) oscar: unknown capability: {d3d45319-8b32-403b-acc7-d1a9e2b5813e}
(11:54:31) oscar: unknown short capability: {134c}
(11:54:31) oscar: Activating status 'available' for buddy XXXXXXXXX, message = '(null)', itmsurl = '(null)'
(11:54:31) blist: Updating buddy status for XXXXXXXXX (ICQ)
(11:54:31) oscar: Empty encoding, assuming UTF-8
(11:54:31) oscar: Activating status 'available' for buddy 419704750, message = 'endlich zu hause...was ein scheiß wetter', itmsurl = '(null)'
(11:54:31) blist: Updating buddy status for XXXXXXXXX (ICQ)
(11:54:32) oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
(11:54:32) oscar: unknown capability: {c8953a9f-21f1-4faa-b0b2-6de663abf5b7}
(11:54:32) oscar: unknown short capability: {e001}
(11:54:32) oscar: unknown short capability: {e002}
(11:54:32) oscar: Activating status 'occupied' for buddy XXXXXXXXX, message = '(null)'
(11:54:32) blist: Updating buddy status for XXXXXXXXX (ICQ)
(11:54:32) oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9}
(11:54:32) oscar: unknown capability: {c8953a9f-21f1-4faa-b0b2-6de663abf5b7}
(11:54:32) oscar: unknown short capability: {e001}
(11:54:32) oscar: unknown short capability: {e002}
(11:54:32) oscar: Empty encoding, assuming UTF-8
(11:54:32) oscar: Activating status 'occupied' for buddy XXXXXXXXX, message = 'hxvdgvzgfduzgvrvg xD'
(11:54:32) blist: Updating buddy status for XXXXXXXXX (ICQ)
(11:54:32) oscar: Ignoring broken SSL for FLAP type 0x0010.
(11:54:32) oscar: Connecting to FLAP server of type 0x0010 without SSL, despite main stream encryption
(11:54:32) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(11:54:32) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(11:54:32) proxy: Attempting connection to
(11:54:32) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(11:54:32) proxy: Connection in progress
(11:54:32) proxy: Connecting to
(11:54:32) proxy: Connected to
(11:54:32) oscar: connected to FLAP server of type 0x0010
(11:54:32) oscar: FLAP connection of type 0x000d is now fully connected
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info: Chat Rights:
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:     Max Concurrent Rooms: 17
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:     Exchange List: (15 total)
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         2    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         4    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         5    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         6    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         7    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         8    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         9    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         10    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         11    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         12    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         13    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         14    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         15    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         16    
(11:54:32) oscar: chat info:         20    
(11:54:32) oscar: FLAP connection of type 0x0010 is now fully connected
(11:54:32) oscar: Uploading icon to icon server
(11:54:32) oscar: no more icons to request
(11:54:34) util: Writing file accounts.xml to directory C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple
(11:54:34) util: Writing file C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple\accounts.xml
(11:54:36) util: Writing file blist.xml to directory C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple
(11:54:36) util: Writing file C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\.purple\blist.xml
(11:54:43) oscar: rate limit cleared (param ID 0x0003): curavg = 3338, maxavg = 4500, alert at 2500, clear warning at 3100, limit at 2000, disconnect at 1500, delta is 12126, dropping is 0 (window size = 20)